sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014
quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014
sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2014
AFS Intercultural Programs - and story of an exchange student!
Olá todos! Well, I know much more things in
Portuguese, of course, but still not good to write such a long text. Because I’m
an exchange student in Carlos Amarante, who is from Turkey and will stay here until
the end of this year. In this text, I’m going to tell you about the program
which brought me here, my story about the program and in Portugal. Actually I’m
an amateur blogger and I’m going to write this in my style, hope you guys like
it! And I hope this will be an inspiration to whom likes travelling, knowing
new cultures and languages and wants to be an exchange student!
I guess it’s better if I introduce myself before
talking about all the stuff. My name is Hilâl Uzman. I’m Turkish and 18 years
old. I already graduated from high school in Turkey, and made true two of my
biggest dreams; got my place at department of International Relations, then won
AFS Intercultural Programs and accepted by Portugal! (You can’t imagine how
happy I was when I got the acceptance letter. Yeah, I was jumping and screaming
‘cause my new life was about to start!) Let me give some informations about the
AFS Intercultural Programs (or AFS, originally the American Field Service) was established in 1915. Begun as a service of volunteer ambulance drivers in 1914, AFS has evolved into an international youth exchange organization.
Worldwide, AFS is a group of over 50 independent, not-for-profit organizations called partners, each with its own network of volunteers, professionally staffed offices, volunteer board of directors and website. It’s world’s one the most trustful student exchange programs in my opinion. In 2007, almost 13,000 participants traveled abroad on AFS cultural exchanges between 65 countries. (Well, wikipedia says like that.) Actually it has a really interesting history but I don’t want to be boring, so if you really interested about it; .
When I first heard about the program, I was in my first year of high school and I promised myself that I’m going to be part of it. Then it became my dream and in the senior year I applied for the program. I don’t know how it works in Portugal, because every country has it’s own way to choose students. But in Turkey, there are lots of students. So they’re really scrutinizing. I passed a test about general culture, IQ test and psychologhy test. Then I had an interview with three returnee AFSers. It was a 4 months long process, and by that time I was preparing for university exams. I still remember when I got the sms of acceptance for the program; I was in a bus with my friend to take extra courses, we saw the message and started screaming and hugging each other! Everyone was looking at us but I was so happy that I could even hug all passengers in the bus!
Then I filled many forms about me. When the time of making preference list of countries has came, I was thinking about countries but my family were not sure about letting me go abroad. One way or another, I made them saying “yes”. In my list, I had Latvia and Czech Republic afterwards Portugal. I can’t imagine how my life would be so different than this if Portugal hadn’t accept me. Because they all completely different than here. But in every way, I’m sure that it would be unique and amazing experience. Because my willing to learn different cultures, languages, travelling and meeting people brought me here, it doesn’t matter where I go. Everywhere has it’s own beauty with it’s culture and all that stuff. Everywhere has things which are waiting for being discovered. And in the other hand, this exchange year makes an 18-year-old girl independent, teaches how to take care of herself, how important her own family, friends and life. While I’m learning a new language and this beautiful culture, I realize how beautiful my own culture is. It breaks prejudices, it teaches “There is no right or wrong. Just different.” It’s completely life changing and putting the fire in ourselves, fire of willing to travel, to know much more about countries, and being tolerant.
That’s all for now, thank you for reading! Até já!
Hilâl Uzman
quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2014
Projeto etwinning - Letras galegas 2014-Xosé María Díaz Castro
Letras galegas 2014-Xosé María Díaz Castro
O obxectivo principal deste proxecto é dar a coñecer a lingua galega e a obra do escritor homenaxeado nas Letras Galegas 2014: Xosé María Díaz Castro. Os estudantes deseñarán marcapáxinas inspirados na obra deste autor e empregarán as novas tecnoloxías como medio de traballo.IV concurso europeo de marcapáxinas sobre a figura do autor homenaxeado nas Letras Galegas 2014: Xosé María Díaz Castro
1. Será condición indispensable que os traballos sexan orixinais e inéditos. O prazo de admisión será até o 15 de maio e o xurado dará a coñecer a súa decisión a finais do mes de maio.
2. Admitiranse dous traballos como máximo por cada participante.
3. Cada marcapáxinas deberá ter dúas caras.
4. Medidas: 18x5 cm.
5. Formato dixital BMP ou PNG, con resolución 300dpi.
6. Haberá un primeiro premio por valor de 100 €, un segundo premio por valor de 75 € e un terceiro por valor de 50 €.
7. Os premios non se poderán declarar desertos.
quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014
segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2014
Dia da Escola - 22 de janeiro
Na próxima 4º feira comemora-se o 18º DIA DA
ESCOLA pelo que apelamos à participação de todos na concretização deste
a realização da cerimónia de entrega de diplomas aos nossos alunos e a
homenagem que prestamos a docentes e funcionários, seguido do jantar da
comunidade educativa.domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2014
FranC Talent - Semaine de la Francophonie
22 mars 2014 (samedi) - Theatro Circo (Braga)
Nos étudiants ont du talent et ils pourront le prouver dans le cadre de la semaine de la francophonie! Ils ont besoin de nous pour leur permettre de participer pleinement à ce spectacle artístico-culturel qui sera ouvert à toute la communauté.
sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2014
Programa Erasmus+
A Comissão Europeia anunciou recentemente o programa denominado ‘Erasmus Plus’ (Erasmus+) no âmbito da Educação, Formação, Juventude e Desporto, que vigorará entre 2014 e 2020.
O novo programa englobará os antigos programas Comenius, Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Juventude em Ação, Jean Monnet, Desporto.
Pode consultar aqui o guia disponibilizado pela Comissão Europeia:
quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2014
Cidadania Europeia
Já se encontra disponível para consulta e download o folheto elaborado pela Direção-Geral da Educação em parceria com a Pro Dignitate - Fundação de Direitos Humanos, por ocasião do Seminário conjunto realizado no âmbito do “Ano Europeu dos Cidadãos 2013”.
segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2014
Concurso - Portugal Europeu
O Concurso 'Portugal Europeu' é organizado pelo Gabinete de Informação do Parlamento Europeu (GIPE) e pela Representação da Comissão Europeia (REP), em Portugal. Integrado nas atividades do Espaço Europa (EE), o concurso consiste numa avaliação de conhecimentos gerais sobre a União Europeia (UE) e dos decorrentes da visita à Exposição 'PORTUGAL EUROPEU - meio século de história', em Lisboa, que tem por objetivo revelar aos jovens a história da integração de Portugal na UE.
Saber mai aqui : Regulamento do Concurso PORTUGAL EUROPEU 2013-2014
O Concurso 'Portugal Europeu' é organizado pelo Gabinete de Informação do Parlamento Europeu (GIPE) e pela Representação da Comissão Europeia (REP), em Portugal. Integrado nas atividades do Espaço Europa (EE), o concurso consiste numa avaliação de conhecimentos gerais sobre a União Europeia (UE) e dos decorrentes da visita à Exposição 'PORTUGAL EUROPEU - meio século de história', em Lisboa, que tem por objetivo revelar aos jovens a história da integração de Portugal na UE.
Saber mai aqui : Regulamento do Concurso PORTUGAL EUROPEU 2013-2014
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